Thursday, February 27, 2020

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International Business - Essay Example The company ranks 46th among the 500 companies listed in the fortune 500 list of global companies in terms of the highest market capitalization (Financial times, â€Å"FT Global 500 2013†). Its operations are spread over 99 cities across 39 major countries all around the world. This suggests the company’s significant global presence. With the onset of globalization, expanding operations in a foreign country has become a primary strategy followed by companies in order to explore foreign country markets and consequently gain competitive advantage. GSK is no exception as they follow the same strategy in order to lay a solid foundation for the company to make business via expanding into foreign markets. Formulation or rather implementation of such strategies, alongside accruing benefits for the company, sometimes raises concerns for the company as well. One such problem that will be described in this particular essay is the ethical issue that has proven to be a cause of con cern for GlaxoSmithKline while operating in the foreign market. Recently the company has been associated with certain ethical lapses while it was operating in China. The company was accused of carrying out unethical practices in order to beat the competition in the market and maximize value for the company. The following sections will involve a thorough analysis of the scenario that prevails in the host country and the ethical issues were faced by the company while it was carrying out its international operations. Following that, three alternative strategies to eliminate such practices will be explained and based upon that a recommendation will be suggested regarding the best strategy to be adopted by the company. Business environment in China China, being an emerging economy, offers a lot of market opportunities for investment to foreign companies. The country offers access to a large market thereby providing considerable savings in labor costs. This highlights the country’s huge potential for economic growth. However, having said that, precautionary measures must be taken as a huge difference in the political and cultural environment prevails in China that might prove to be risky thereby posing uncertainties for foreign investors (Fogel, â€Å"Business environment in china: Economic, political, and cultural factors†). Economic environment China has been known to be the most favorable destination for foreign direct investment in the recent past. The country has shown a very stable economic growth which has lured top companies from all over world into investing in China. 450 out of the Worlds fortune 500 companies invest in China. Foreign direct investment accounts for 4.1% of national tax revenue, 58% of foreign trade and 27% of the value assed production. China has a huge deposit of foreign exchange reserve which helps it conduct trade related to import and export smoothly. The country joined the World trade organization in 2001 which resulted in a rapid growth in the country’s imports and exports thereby witnessing foreign direct investment of $60 billion annually in 2006. The foreign exchange reserve of China exceeded $1 trillion for the first time in the year 2006 and thereafter in 2008 the foreign exchange reserve of China totaled to $1.9 trillion (China Foreign Exchange Reserves, â€Å"US State Administration†). China is mainly engaged in the industrial exports of manufactured goods, garments, electronics and textiles. As far as China’s infrastructure is concerned, it has suffered from

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Judaism - Essay Example Their story has played out over time until now when more and more people believe. Anyone born of a Jewish mother is considered a Jew. Jews believe that God appointed them to be his chosen people in order to be an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the whole world. They still hold this view up to date and it is not easy to convince them that all human beings stand an equal chance before God. Different religions have different views regarding different subjects such as marriage, children rights, and individual’s role in the society and at home. It is important to understand how a specific religion such as Judaism views and evaluates each of the roles and if there are special considerations. The central idea of Judaism is a commitment by the Jewish people to one (single) incorporeal God who is also omnipotent and is the creator and ruler of the universe as well as the source of moral law for humanity. The Jewish people believe in the Torah, which was the law given to the Israelites at Sinai. They believe they must follow Gods law which governs their daily life. Legal books were later written by Rabbis; determining the law as it applies to life in each new place and time (Tenakh).  They have several rituals such as the mitzvoth (observance of Torah), the observance of the 613 commandments, rabbinic law, keeping kosher, going to the synagogue where they hear the readings and their worship and prayer. It is like rituals define their religion give the importance they attach to different kind of rituals. Rituals define every aspect of Judaism and this approach is totally different from other religions which do not rely on any kind of ritual to establish an achievement, mos t religions rely on their teachings and the set doctrines that guide their followers. Judaism has applications and requirements of the believer that they are simply unable to meet in fullness. Their requirements limit many people around the globe from joining their faith