Sunday, December 29, 2019

Calvinist vs Anti-Calvinist in Dr.Faustus - 829 Words

The Calvinist/anti-Calvinist controversy The theological implications of Doctor Faustus have been the subject of considerable debate throughout the last century. Among the most complicated points of contention is whether the play supports or challenges the Calvinist doctrine of absolute predestination, which dominated the lectures and writings of many English scholars in the latter half of the sixteenth century. According to Calvin, predestination meant that God, acting of his own free will, elects some people to be saved and others to be damned – thus, the individual has no control over his own ultimate fate. This doctrine was the source of great controversy because it was seen by the so-called anti-Calvinists to limit mans free will†¦show more content†¦One of the greatest critics of Calvinism in Marlowes day was Peter Baro, who argued that such teachings fostered despair among believers, rather than repentance among sinners. He claimed, in fact, that Calvinism created a theodical dilemma: What shall we say then? That this question so long debated of the Philosophers, most wise men, and yet undetermined, cannot even of Divines, and men endued with heavenly wisdom, be discussed and decided? And that God hath in this case laid a crosse upon learned men, wherein they might perpetually torment themselves? I cannot so think.[27] Baro recognised the threat of despair which faced the Protestant church if it did not come to an agreement of how to understand the fundamentals. For him, the Calvinists were overcomplicating the issues of faith and repentance, and thereby causing great and unnecessary confusion among struggling believers. Faustus himself confesses a similar sentiment regarding predestination: The reward of sin is death. Thats hard. ...If we say that we have no sin, We deceive ourselves, and theres no truth in us. Why then belike we must sin, And so consequently die. Ay, we must die an everlasting death. What doctrine call you this? Che sera, sera, What will be, shall be? Divinity,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mindfulness As A Treatment For Depression - 1557 Words

Psychology is one of the youngest lines of science and there is still a lot to be learnt about it. Before the use of anti-depressants, one of the first treatments used by psychologists was psychoanalysis which was founded by Sigmund Freud in 1852. Then later treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy formally known as electro shock therapy were used. Currently the most common treatment for depression is medication such as antidepressants as they are proven to be extremely effective in treating the symptoms of this mental illness. However even though there are so many treatments for mental illnesses such as depression the biggest issue we face with depression is its habit of being a reoccurring problem. The purpose of this essay is to discuss mindfulness as a treatment for depression. In the essay not only its effectiveness towards the treatment and prevention of depression but also how it treats and prevents depression is discussed. This was until psychologists found a more effecti ve way to not only treat but prevent the symptoms of depression using mindfulness as a therapy. Although, mindfulness is not a very well-known treatment it has been found to be very effective of turning the lives around of sufferers of mental illness. Mindfulness, a seemingly effective and relatively new approach to assist in treatment or prevention of some mental health disorders; one being depression. Depression affects 121 million people worldwide and is the cause of over 850,000 deaths eachShow MoreRelatedThe Effectiveness Of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy1350 Words   |  6 Pageseffectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in the treatment of depression. The purpose of this essay is to address the question, how mindfulness works to improve mental health when used as part of psychological treatment? Firstly, a brief overview is given about what depression is and what the symptoms are, based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). Secondly, It will discuss mindfulness, as it is defined in mental health treatments. The mainRead MoreMindfulness Based Practices1079 Words   |  5 Pageson combining mindfulness-based practices with clinical therapy to create more p ositive affects for clients. Mindfulness is often practiced in the form of meditation, but is determined by the development of one’s mental state to be able to create nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment. Awareness of the present moment can be induced by thoughts, emotions, physical perceptions, and one’s environment (Grow, Collins, Harrop, Marlatt, 2015). Research has begun to analyze mindfulness-based practicesRead MoreMeditation Replacement For Patients With Depression Essay1401 Words   |  6 Pagesmedication in terms of treating depression. A.Introduce main topic, thesis, terms, etc (Introductory Paragraph) i. Hook: The recognition of depression as a common mental illness should lead to studies regarding what form of treatment is best for a patient, but antidepressants seem to be the unimpressive go-to. ii. Terms discussed in paper: CBT: Cognitive-behavioural therapy; HEP: Health enhancement program; TAU: Treatment as usual; TRD: Treatment-resistant depression; Mediators: Measurable changesRead MoreMindfulness: Treatment for Mood Disorder in Teens1045 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This is an experimental study to test if teens with mood disorders have fewer symptoms when they practice P.E.A.C.E.? PEACE is an acronym for a mindfulness practice attending to the breath, body, thoughts, and emotions. P is for pause; E is for exhale; A is for acknowledged; C is for choice; E is for engage. Mindfulness has the potential to have a impact on teens with mood disorders by enhancing awareness, self-management, self-acceptance. Meditation is used in clinical practiceRead MorePostpartum Depression And Its Effect On Child Development1500 Words   |  6 Pages â€Æ' Specialization My area of specialization is maternal postpartum depression and its effect on child development. It s a well-documented fact that postpartum depression affects not only the patient but other family members including the children. Client Agency The clients in this intervention will be women who have recently given birth. The intervention would occur at a hospital or medical setting during the six week check-up. The clients that would participate in this intervention would beRead MoreBipolar Disorder and Meditation Essay1226 Words   |  5 PagesBipolar disorder is a mental disease that causes a rapid shift in mood, usually between mania and depression. The manic episode of bipolar disorder usually results in an abnormally large dosage of energy. During manic depression, an individual may go on an unnecessary shopping spree or even quit their job. Mania is usually followed by an episode of depression, which could lead to suicide if not properly treated. Bipolar disorder is usually treated through medication. Medication for bipolar disorderRead MorePtsd778 Words   |  4 PagesProfessor Christine Marino PSY 100 05 NOV 2013 Assignment 1: Exploration of a Professional Journal Article in Psychology Kearney, Mcdermott, Malte, Martinez, amp; Simpson (2012) conducted a study of the effects of participation in a mindfulness program for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. I believe that PTSD is a state of mind that an individual has or how the deal with a certain traumatic event that has taken place in their life. According to Santrock (2006), post-traumaticRead MoreObesity And Weight Loss And Obesity1673 Words   |  7 Pagessnacks, and promoting exercise on a daily basis. Obesity is a worldwide condition that has mental, physical, and social effects on individuals that are diagnosed with the condition. In this paper the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and motivational interviewing on individuals with obesity will be explored and discussed. For many young and older adults treating obesity is not an easy task to accomplish on your own which leads to yo-yo diets and fad diets that are seen onRead MoreTypes Of Treatment For Anxiety Disorders873 Words   |  4 Pagesdistressing, and impairing conditions, associated with significant social costs (Palazzo, Altamura, Stein, Baldwin, 2014). There are many different types of treatment for anxiety disorders. Some are more effective than others. The studies within this paper will further tell us about anxiety disorder, different types of treatments, and treatment effectiveness. The Purpose of the Studies The purpose of the study by Palazzo, Altamura, Stein, and Baldwin (2014) was to find published literature on healthRead MoreMeditation As A State Of Mind With Predictable And Adjustable Attention979 Words   |  4 PagesMindfulness is, in the present moment, the state of mind with predictable and adjustable attention. Meditation is known for changing how people view the world (3). Mindfulness can come in many forms, like meditation, and is known for reducing the symptoms of mental illnesses like stress, distress, depression, and other mental health problems. Moreover, meditation is linked with mindfulness, and is known as a state of awareness alteration with the purpose of enhancing knowledge of oneself as well

Friday, December 13, 2019

Cause of Global Warming Free Essays

Causes of Global Warming There are many factors that contribute to causes of global warming nowadays. Through many years of investigation,scientist have discover that the prime factor are cause by the effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by humans. Mankind have distribute carbon dioxide in many ways:- 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause of Global Warming or any similar topic only for you Order Now Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants:- * Human addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 40% of U. S. CO2 emissions come from electricity production, and burning coal accounts for 93% of emissions from the electric utility industry. Every day, more electric gadgets flood the market, and without widespread alternative energy sources, we are highly dependent on burning coal for our personal and commercial electrical supply. 2. Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation:- * Human modern car culture and appetite for globally sourced goods is responsible for about 33% of emissions in the U. S. With our population growing at an alarming rate, the demand for more cars and consumer goods means that we are increasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and manufacturing. Our consumption is outpacing our discoveries of ways to mitigate the effects, with no end in sight to our massive consumer culture. 3. Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds:- * Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions (anaerobic decomposition) as in rice paddies, methane is produced. The process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the levels of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing. Another source of methane is methane clathrate, a compound containing large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. As methane escapes from the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming will increase significantly. 4. Deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and farmland:- * The use of forests for fuel (both wood and for charcoal) is one cause of deforestation, but in the first world, our appetite for wood and paper products, our consumption of livestock grazed on former forest land, and the use of tropical forest lands for commodities like palm oil plantations contributes to the mass deforestation of our world. Forests remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and this deforestation releases large amounts of carbon, as well as reducing the amount of carbon capture on the planet. 5. Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands * In the last half of the 20th century, the use of chemical fertilizers (as opposed to the historical use of animal manure) has risen dramatically. The high rate of application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers has effects on the heat storage of cropland (nitrogen oxides have 300 times more heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume than carbon dioxide) and the run-off of excess fertilizers creates ‘dead-zones’ in our oceans. In addition to these effects, high nitrate levels in groundwater due to over-fertilization are cause for concern for human health. How to cite Cause of Global Warming, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Public and Young Generation Within Our Society

Question: Describe about the Idea Regarding The Benefits Cuts And Impact To The Public And Young Generation Within Our Society? Answer: Introduction According to the corrected fiscal planning by the government, there is going to be a 26% increase in the taxes, 10% reduction in social welfares and a reduction of 64% in spending cuts on public services. This is a huge decision since the elderlies as well as the younger generation are dependent on the public services. Hence, this decision is likely to serve as a massive blow to them and affect them badly. Therefore, this research is going to make a comprehensive analysis on the impacts of these benefit cuts on every segment of the society. Aim Exploring the implication of benefit cuts on public and young generation Objective: Reviewing the process and the concept of the topic Analyzing the impact of the inference on every section of the society, mostly on the people who are totally reliable on these services The introduction paves way for the research questions which would help in understanding the topic better. The methodology to be used has been discussed along with the work plan and the risks involved are demonstrated. Finally, a conclusion is made on the derivations. Approach An inductive approach is used due to the precision of the results provided by it. The approach will remain the same because of the above stated reason. The qualitative method helps to delve into the fervent reality and thus, gives a better understanding of the issue. A case study design has been employed again to understand the underlying prospects of the study. The case study of this particular case will help to unfold its complexity and significance which is in turn necessary to reveal the impacts of these benefit cuts on people. The primary research strategy is to focus on the younger and older generations and explore the impacts of these benefit cuts on them since they are the most dependent on the public services. Research studies, journals, official books, online sources (credible) etc. types of contemporary literature will make up the secondary data for the study. Work plan The remaining planned work is illustrated with the help of a Gantt chart that will help in identifying the progress rate with the time and they are as follows. Week Task Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Data Collection stage Data analysis stage Conclusion Recommendation for the study Writing of Executive summary Grammar check, printing sub mission The initial stages of the project were completed, which helps in executing the study as per the developed objectives and aims accordingly. Data collection process will be conducted with the help of journals and articles and ion this particular context, secondary data analysis will be conducted. After that, the overall conclusion and recommendation of the study will be depicted as per the obtained findings, which will help in future research study (Austin, 2013). Finally, the executive summary of the study will be developed after analyzing each section effectively and before final submission grammar check will be initiated to make the project a quality price in terms of quality and reliability. Risk assessment Risk assessment is effectively done in this study and proper ethical consideration was taken during the data collection process. The major risk of the study was insufficient data availability but the researcher overcame it by relying on the available abstract and findings (Cuts in specialist services and the impact of diabetes on the young, 2007). Therefore, it can be stated that, the appropriate initiatives for finding the most relevant data helps in reducing the risk of data collection. Beside this, to analyze the overall impact to each individual present within the society was a complex task and for this particular social segments was evaluated to define the evaluating the impact in a coherent way (Zhang et al., 2006). Main body of the draft report The regulatory authorities have launched several policy and schemes for overall community development. In this particular context, those implications of benefits cuts on public and young generation were critically evaluated with the help of standard literature and journals articles (Kmietowicz, 2012). The benefit cuts provide immense impact to a particular public segment and to analyze the impact to the entire community was critical tasks in it. For this, a particular social segment was selected and depending upon the social class the reliable data were collected and evaluated. The explorations of benefits cuts were critically evaluated and the concept and implications of the benefits cuts to the society will be further analyzed with the help of standard literature survey. The suitable literature will help in development of knowledge and concept regarding the study (Pissarides, 1998). Inductive approach is selected for the study and supports the observation and developed theory analy sis regarding the study. Therefore, this particular research approach will help in signifying the study in this particular domain of benefits cuts and impact to the public and young generation. Case study research design will help in understanding the practical impact and real concept of the benefits cuts and reliable understanding will be developed after analyzing different case study (Rajaraman, 2012). Intensive literature searching is the fundamental base of the study, which will help in gathering the required knowledge about the study. Most importantly, the real cases will be illustrated that will provide a clear and precise idea regarding the impact of benefit cuts and how it effect to the individuals within our society. Conclusions The study provides a clear and precise Idea Regarding The Benefits Cuts And Impact To The Public And Young Generation Within Our Society. It is evident from the study that, it was impossible for the researcher to conduct the study by taking the entire community member and, therefore, there has to be an alternative approach that will help indentifying the issues in way that is more efficient. For this, a particular segment of individuals is selected to conduct the research in an innovative way by maintaining the standard and quality (Torjesen, 2016). The developed hypothesis was the benefits cuts provide immense impact to the individuals and the literature survey signifies that the developed facts was real and any kinds of benefits cut results in dissatisfaction to the community members. Furthermore, it can be stated that benefit cut results in minimizing the opportunity provided by the government authority and or this various segments such as employment facility, salary wags, and gov ernmental subsidies of different daily life living activities are impacted significantly. References Austin, J. (2013). NIH Details Impact of Sequestration Cuts. Science. Cuts in specialist services and the impact of diabetes on the young. (2007). Practical Diabetes International, 24(5), pp.278-280. Kmietowicz, Z. (2012). Experts attack government plans to cuts benefits for addicts who refuse treatment. BMJ, 344(may24 1), pp.e3694-e3694. Pissarides, C. (1998). The impact of employment tax cuts on unemployment and wages; The role of unemployment benefits and tax structure. European Economic Review, 42(1), pp.155-183. Rajaraman, I. (2012). The Fiscal Impact of Trade Tariff Cuts: Long-Series Historical Evidence. Global Policy, 3(3), pp.375-383. Torjesen, I. (2016). Austerity cuts are eroding benefits of Sure Start childrens centres. BMJ, p.i335. Zhang, B., Cohen, J., Ferrence, R. and Rehm, J. (2006). The Impact of Tobacco Tax Cuts on Smoking Initiation Among Canadian Young Adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(6), pp.474-479.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Write an Essay Outline - Template and Examples

To write an effective essay, you need to create a clear and well organized essay outline. Your outline will shape the entire content of your essay and will determine how successful your essay will be. Quick Links 1. How to Write an Essay Outline? 2. Essay Outline Example 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Thesis Statement 2.3 Body Paragraphs 2.4 Conclusion 3. Essay Outline Example 3.1 5 Paragraph Essay Outline 4. Essay Outline Template 4.1 Essay Outline Sample 4.2 Argumentative Essay Outline 4.3 Persuasive Essay Outline 4.4 Compare and Contrast Essay Outline 4.5 Narrative Essay Outline 4.6 Expository Essay Outline 4.7 Analytical Essay Outline 4.8 Rhetorical Essay Outline 4.9 Cause and Effect Essay Outline 1. How to Write an Essay Outline? Is essay writing a demanding task for you? Are you one of those students who find essay a tedious,boring, or even daunting task? Read our helpful guide and make your essay writing easier. Before you start writing an essay, the first step is the outline writing. This is the most crucial step when it comes to essay writing. The more time you spend on creating an outline for your essay, the less you will spend on writing it. Here is a simple guide to help you write your college essay, academic papers, research papers, term papers and case studies by creating an outline and organizing your ideas and information according to it. 2. Essay Outline Format It is an easy way for you to write your thoughts in an organized manner. This may seem unnecessary and unimportant, but it is not. It is one of the most crucial steps for essay writing as it shapes your entire essay and aids the writing process. Here is a detailed description of a complete format. 2.1 Introduction The introduction body of your essay should be attention grabbing. It should be written in such a manner that it attracts the reader's interest. It should also provide background information about the topic for the readers. You can use dramatic tone to grab the readers' attention but the introduction should be connected to your thesis statement. 2.2 Thesis Statement A thesis statement is stated at the end of your introduction. That is the most important statement of your entire essay. It summarizes the purpose of the essay into one sentence. The thesis statement tells the readers about the main theme of the essay and it must be strong and clear. Thesis statement holds the entire crux of your essay. Check out the following blog to learn more about writing a thesis statement with examples. 2.3 Body Paragraphs Your thesis statement should be explained in the body of the essay. Body paragraphs include all the important information about your essay. If you are writing a persuasive essay, the content mentioned in your body paragraphs will persuade your audience. In the same way, if you are writing an argumentative essay, the body paragraphs of your essay will convince your audience towards your point of view. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and no more than one idea. 2.4 Conclusion Always end your discussion with a strong essay conclusion. Your conclusions should be influencing enough to give closure to your topic. The conclusion of the essay is as important as the introduction and body paragraphs are to making a coherent paper. Summarize all the points of your essay discussed in the introduction and body paragraphs. The conclusion must be based on the facts discussed earlier in the essay. The conclusion should not be lengthy. It should restate your thesis statement of the essay and its supporting points. Keep the conclusion sentences short but powerful. 3. Essay Outline Example The outline of your essay is the skeleton that you will fill out with the content. Both outline and relevant content are important for a good essay. The content that you will add to flesh out the outline should be credible, relevant and interesting. Continue reading to know about writing an outline. 3.1 5 Paragraph Essay Outline An outline is a part of the writing as it helps the writer stay focused and in line with the main topic. A typical essay consists of five paragraphs, including: Introduction Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3 Conclusion 4. Essay Outline Template Here is a general essay outline template you can follow for any type of essay. Go through them and learn how to write an outline for every type of essay and research paper. 4.1 Essay Outline Sample This is a typical essay outline that you can follow. However, it can differ according to the parameters set forth by your instructors. Given below are outline samples for different types of essays writing. 4.2 Argumentative Essay Outline An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents both sides of the topic that you are exploring. The argument that serves as the basis of your essay should be created by providing evidence and supporting details. 4.3 Persuasive Essay Outline A persuasive essay is similar to an argumentative essay. Your job is to provide facts and details in order to create the argument. The primary difference is that, in a persuasive essay you convince your readers of your point of view. 4.4 Compare and Contrast Essay Outline A compare and contrast essay explains the similarities and differences between two things. While comparing, you should focus on the differences between two seemingly similar objects. While contrasting, you should focus on the similarities between two apparently different objects. 4.5 Narrative Essay Outline A narrative essay is written to share a story. Commonly, a narrative essay is written from a personal point of view in the form of an essay. The basic purpose of narrative essay is to describe something in a creative manner. 4.6 Expository Essay Outline An expository essay is a type of essay that explains, analyzes and illustrates something to clarify it for the readers. An expository essay should be unbiased and entirely based on facts. Be sure to use academic resources for your research and cite your sources. 4.7 Analytical Essay Outline An analytical essay is written to analyze the topic from a critical point of view. An analytical essay breaks down the content into different parts and explains the topic bit by bit. 4.8 Rhetorical Essay Outline A rhetorical essay is written to examine the work of a writer or artist and how he came up with the topic. It also includes the discussion. 4.9 Cause and Effect Essay Outline A cause and effect essay describes why something is happening and examines the consequences of an occurrence or phenomenon.This is also a type of expository essay.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Peep vs. Peek

Peep vs. Peek Peep vs. Peek Peep vs. Peek By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, What exactly is the difference between peep and peek? The words are similar in meaning. In fact, peep may derive from peek. And peek may come from an earlier word that still exists in in Scots dialect and dialects spoken in northern England: keek. keek: to look secretly, as through a narrow aperture, or around a corner. peek: to look through a narrow opening; to look into or out of an enclosed or concealed space; (also) to glance or look furtively at, to pry. peep: to look through a narrow aperture, as through half-shut eyelids or through a crevice, chink, or small opening into a larger space; (hence) to look quickly or furtively from a vantage point; to steal a glance. Peep and peek are often used in connection with children, who â€Å"peek at Christmas presents† and â€Å"peep out from under furniture.† Shakespeare has Cassius use the verb peep to convey the idea that Romans had become as powerless as children compared to Caesar: Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves. –Julius Caesar, I,2, 136-139. Peep also means, â€Å"to emerge or protrude a very short distance into view; to begin to appear. For example: Just then the  sun began to  peep  over the eastern hills.   Another word that may be related to peep is the verb peer: peer: to look narrowly or closely, esp. in order to make out something indistinct or obscured; to look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something. Here are some examples of the use of peek, peep, and peer from the Web: She was  afraid  Arthur Kincaid  would peek  at the  will, learn of the contest, and try to destroy the clues. [The suspect] was arrested Monday after residents at a Gretna housing complex said they  saw him peeping  into several windows.  Ã‚   [The use of iPads in trendy restaurants] solves the issue of diners having to peer at the menu in the dim lighting. As for the reader’s question regarding the difference between peep and peek, I have to say that in most contexts they are probably interchangeable. One difference is that peep is the usual choice when someone is attempting to see another person in an act meant to be private. For example: A man working towards a PhD at Delaware University is in custody on suspicion of using spy cameras to peep [at] women going to the bathroom. Because this kind of peeping is so common, states have what are called â€Å"peeping Tom laws† to punish it. Note: The expression â€Å"peeping Tom† derives from the legend of Lady Godiva, the wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia (d. 1057). The lady begged her husband to lift certain heavy taxes he had imposed on his tenants. He said he’d do so if she would ride naked through the streets of Coventry. With only her long hair to cover her nakedness, she rode through Coventry. The population respectfully stayed indoors and didn’t look, with one exception. A tailor named Tom peeped through his window. According to legend, he was immediately struck blind. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightEnglish Grammar 101: Verb MoodBail Out vs. Bale Out

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Vietnam the history of, and the political policies of the United Term Paper

Vietnam the history of, and the political policies of the United States and Vietnam - Term Paper Example However, this was not always the case. Although there were behind the scenes talks between the two countries in the twenty years since the end of the war in 1975 it was not until 1995 that diplomatic relations were officially re-established. Since then the relationship between the two have been improving with each passing year. The present U.S. administration, headed by President Barack Obama has now officially designated the Republic of Vietnam as a â€Å"significant partner†. This paper will briefly outline the changes that have occurred in the last forty years, concluding that overall there is now a strong diplomatic and economic bond uniting the two nations. The U.S. relationship with Vietnam in the twenty years leading up to 1995 was strained. Almost immediately after its victory over South Vietnam the new Republic further antagonised American interests by turning to the U.S.S.R. for military aid and financial assistance (Largo 2002). China, other smaller South East Asian nations and the United States were all concerned with the growing influenced of the Soviet Union in the region; ironically, the very reason that the U.S. had previously involved itself in the Vietnamese civil war. The Vietnamese decision to invade Cambodia in 1979 also strained an already tense relationship. The U.S. promised to continue the trade embargo put in place after 1975 until Vietnam removed its occupying forces from Cambodia (Largo 2002). The prisoner of war issue also strained the relationship between the two countries. For many years after the end of the war in 1975 the U.S. claimed that Hanoi was not doing enough to repatriate American service personnel held prisoner during the war. While it is unlikely that American POW’s remained captive after the end of the war the image remained a strong one for many in the U.S; indeed, the image of the captive American was such a powerful cultural icon that it had a significant negative effect

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Perspectives of Indonesia to Become Economic Powerhouse in Asia by Essay

Perspectives of Indonesia to Become Economic Powerhouse in Asia by 2030 - Essay Example This essay offers comprehensive analysis of the current state of Indonesian economy and assess its perspectives in becoming Asian economic powerhouse by 2030. Indonesia is an independent republic in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has about 17,000 islands and a population of more than 238 million people, which forms a good foundation for its economy Notably, Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia and the 16th largest economy in the world. It is also a member of the G-20 major economies and is one of the industrialized and emerging economies in the world Economy refers to the state of a country with respect to natural resources, production, and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money. In Indonesia, the economy or financial value is different and never balances. Today, it is one of the emerging powerhouses in Asia with a large population that offers labor and market as well as a wealth of natural resources. Indeed, its population enhances labor productivity improvements, which boost its economy. Domestic consumption and productivity growth in Indonesia offers a good combination for economic growth. This makes Indonesia stand out in the world as many nations lack this fundamental combination. In fact, after China, Indonesian economy is the fastest growing economy among the G-20 members. However, there are numerous economic challenges hurting the Indonesian economy. There is a recommendation for the government continue to address these challenges with a view of attaining its economic goals. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Methodology 7 Discussion 8 Conclusion 14 References 15 Introduction Indonesia is an independent republic in Southeast Asia. Indeed, Indonesia has about 17,000 islands and a population of more than 238 million people, which forms a good foundation for its economy (Ananta et al, 2011). It is an internationally recognized nation where it ranks fourth in the most populous nations in the world and the second richest country in the world. Notably, Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia (Belford, 2010) and the 16th largest economy in the world (Oberman et al, 2012). It is also a member of the G-20 major economies in the world and is one of the industrialized and emerging economies in the world (Oberman et al, 2012). The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta, which is an industrious city. Most assuredly, Indonesia is a very rich country with a wide range of resources, a productive community, and large population. Indeed, Indon esia has many natural resources in earth oil, spice, and agriculture (Ananta et al, 2011). In this context, economy refers to the state of a country with respect to natural resources, production, and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money. In Indonesia, the economy or financial value is different and never balances. Today, Indonesia is one of the emerging powerhouses in Asia with a large population that offers labor and market as well as a wealth of natural resources (Wie & Thee, 2012). Indeed, its population enhances labor productivity improvements, which boost its economy. Notably, the domestic consumption and productivity growth in Indonesia offers a good combination for economic growth. This makes Indonesia stand out in the world as many nations lack this fundamental combination. In addition, Indonesia’s manufacturing industry, chemical industries, automotive, agricultural, and electronic industry enjoy a robust growth thus boosting the overall economic growth of the Southeast Asia nation (Ananta et al, 2011). In fact, after China, Indonesian economy is the fastest growing economy among the G-20 members with an economic growth rate of 6.3 percent in 2012 (Oberman et al, 2012). The country equally boasts of Gross Domestic Product of about $1 trillion at 6.2 % (Asian Development Bank, 2013). Moreover, the government of Indonesia plays a major role in enhancing a market-based economy where the state owns about 141 enterprises and sets prices for various basic goods like electricity, fuel, and rice (Michigan State University, 2013). This ensures that unscrupulous investors do not destabilize the country’s economy. Indonesia participates in global trade where it sells unripe oil to big oil companies like Shell, Castro, and Hexon at competitive prices that guarantee huge returns to the nation. More so, the nation sells raw oil

Monday, November 18, 2019

Motivational Strategies To Improve Learning Research Paper

Motivational Strategies To Improve Learning - Research Paper Example Motivation in secondary school learners has been termed as one of the factors that define how successful one shall be in their life after, especially in their career fields. However, records indicate that of all issues and problems that have bothered many teachers overtime, motivation remains the most puzzling (Theobald, 2005). Teachers agree that motivation is imperative in any student, but â€Å"generating† it has remained the hardest task for the teachers. As a result, behavioral and cognitive psychologists have carried out colossal research in a bid to establish the strategies that teachers can use to successfully motivate their students. Educational psychology, which can be defined as the keen study and analysis of how human beings learn, forms the base of the researchers and studies that these psychologists carry out (Krause et al, 2013). This work embarks on identifying the various strategies that teachers can adapt to successfully motivate their students. The strategie s shall be backed up by psychological education theories to further explain how they work. To begin with, what is the motivation? It can be defined as the internal aspiration in a person to not just succeed but also the ability to take the steps to engage in activities that will lead to the desired success (Salvin, 2003). It has been said that one characteristic of the people with high levels of motivation is the that they have a kind of energy that is generated from within them, which overflows and has in its power, dynamism and immense knowledge of what one wants, and the direction they have to take to get what they want (Benson, 20080. Motivation can be in two forms, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Uyulgan and Akkuzu, 2014). Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that is generated y the desire to conquer, or the success in overcoming challenges. Some people call it the â€Å"good motivation†. Intrinsic motivation is usually reward based (short term) but in the long run .

Friday, November 15, 2019

Two sociological theories and two psychological theories

Two sociological theories and two psychological theories The Johnson family Scenario In this assignment I will explore two sociological theories and two psychological theories impacting on the Johnson family. I shall begin by exploring sociological theories analysing and defining them and in the second half of this assignment will then explore psychological theories. I will also look at the professional interventions available in social work. I shall endeavour to indicate their strength and weaknesses incorporating their relationships to issues of class, race, culture gender and sexuality. I will then reflect on the influence of these theories on my own development to achieve social work professional status. Max Weber defined consensus as existing when expectations about the behaviour of others are realistic because the others will usually accept these expectations as valid for themselves, even without an explicit agreement. For Marxists, consensus is a highly ideological concept used to perpetuate class rule by attempting to disguise the extent of conflict within society. ( Durkheim is known to have drawn an analogue of the functionalist perspective view in which he said that society is a system of interrelated parts each of which relies upon the other parts for efficient functioning.'(Cunningham, J Cunningham,S).These institutions are essential for maintaining that society works harmoniously and orderly. The view of the functionalist is that the use of power is acceptable and generally beneficial to society. They share norms and values which help them to determine the right from the wrong. There is an acceptance from the functionalists positions that conflicts will occur but will only be temporary and can quickly be resolved. Society should be adequately prepared to deal with instances of anti social behaviour so that society as a whole benefits. In the functionalist perspective schools first role is to emphasise proper behaviour and knowledge that is necessary to maintain a civilised society. According to the functionalist, the children in the Johnsons should therefore be sent to school to be equipped with this weapon and the fact that they are truanting could easily be viewed as anti social behaviour. Karl Marx did not at all agree with capitalisms theories of consensus and in his writing highlighted the conflict theory, although acknowledging structural integration of societys institutions such as political, legal or religious which he described as the superstructure. His view was that workers in the class system like Desmond a car mechanic and Mary a cook at a primary school were being exploited and that there should be equality on control, power, wealth and the best education. Marxists felt that it was those with the means of production that had the power and therefore significantly influenced the rest of the society. This causes a difference of interest among social groups which in turn causes conflict. As both Desmond and Mary are working this creates pressure on parenting skills and has probably forced Desmond to decide sending Eustace to a residential home. Marxists perceive functionalists as deceiving as they say the norms and values which they claim are the backbone of society are infect their norms and values that only help to strengthen their positions perpetuating the unequal social system. Marxists argued that the workers were being replaced by machines in their roles of employment and this resulted in them loosing their skills, assuming monotonous jobs, separated from each other by the noise and would return home dehumanised and physically exhausted. Marx believed the proletariat would realise the exploitation, join together and revolt overthrowing the system and establishing true systems . The Marxists view of social work is that it is an agent of the state and as such reinforces the interest of the ruling class. Their view is that the state in capitalists societies saves the interests of the ruling classes and do not treat their citizens equally even in cases of welfare services. They further state that the image of caring that they create is only a myth which serves to enhance the profits of the capitalists that the social workers serve through the state. The Marxists do not see the necessity of the social control role of social work but an agent of state bent on socially controlling those that are already marginalised and excluded. In this view social workers tend to be ignorant of the poverty they are meant to be addressing from the society by empowering service users to take action and bring about change. The Johnson family appears overcrowded in their residence and this is associated with poverty. Social workers have found themselves working with tied hands as th e system is tightly regulated and procedural thereby restricting social workers from exercising their knowledge. Functionalists viewed the institution of family to be the best organisational basis for society. Talcott Parsons (1955) insists that the family retains two basic and irreducible functions. These are the primary socialisation of children and the stabilisation of adult personalities. So this view will explain that for the family to maintain stability, it needs support to ensure normality. This perspective then explains that if there are signs of antisocial behaviour such as truanting then the family unit needs to be supported. According to Murdock (1949) family performs four important functions i.e. providing new members of the society by reproduction, providing stability for adults through sexual gratification, providing for the economic well being and educating the young to socialise into societys norms and values. Eustaces wondering and confusion could be viewed as hindering by the functionalists because it is affecting Mary who they expect to be participating in the society both as a mother and a worker as it is the institute that will influence good behaviour of children. Functionalists believed that the family is a positive institution, a view that meets well with the needs of an advanced industrial society. The functionalists would view Eustaces confusion as costing the society in terms of health care for Mary and himself. Eustaces problems must be rectified in order to get Mary functioning well again and become productive in the society. Functionalists highlight the ideal family type in a modern society, as the nuclear family. The view of the nuclear family comprises of a breadwinner husband ( in the scenario this would be Desmond) and dependant wife and children. Mary cannot be classified as dependant as she is also working and earning. The functionalist view of the family as ideological is criticised as a conservative stance. Some feminists criticise this view as being unrealistic as it does not recognise the oppression of women in families. However, they defend the claim that the functionalist view of family life is shared by many people, if not only as an aspiration. The nuclear family is seen as traditional and positive. Marxism states that the family is a product of capitalism and is therefore an exploitative institution. They argue that families are not built upon love but are founded from necessity. Women therefore become the property of men and all roles within families exist in order to maintain a capitalist state. There are two classes in the society according to Marxism. One is the ruling class and the other is the subject class. The Johnson family would be classified as a subject class and their employers like the garage owners where Desmond works would be the ruling class. This is opposed by functionalist who claims that there are many classes in society and points to a division of labour. Eustaces situation is also causing friction between Desmond (a father and mechanic) and Mary thereby threatening the institution of family. However a Marxist would hold a different view putting the blame on Mary being over worked and thereby causing her to be depressed. They highlight the lack of care from the employers who do not pay well enough keeping most of the profits to themselves prompting Mary to work long hours. Desmond is said to be impatient with Eustace who he sees as stressing his wife at home while trying to do her job. This appears a functionalist view where Desmond is concerned about Mary being disrupted in doing her job hence not able to contribute to the income. Mary and Desmond might have moved to the UK in response to the big drive for workforce after the world war. They were promised better lives with luxurious facilities only to realise when they arrived in the UK that it was not the case and they had to work extremely hard to earn a living. Desmonds role would be to provide and Mary also performing this role as she also works. Caring for Eustace could be seen by Desmond as preventing Mary from performing the task expected within her role, a view that the feminists would regard as oppressive. Whilst various sociological school of thought tries to explain family circumstances and possible interventions that may assist families it is not adequate in itself. In this context I will now turn to psychological perspectives. The essay will examine psychological theories of behavioural approach, which developed through the works of Thorndike (trial and error learning), Pavlov (classical conditioning) and Skinner (operant conditioning) who all believed that the environment controlled behaviour. Behavioural theory is based on a scientific method (Banks, 2001. p. 73) and on what can be observed, studied, measured and reliably changed (Feltham, 1995; cited in Adams R, Dominelli L Payne M, 2002. p.144). It argues that internal states such as thoughts, intentions and feeling are not observable and replicable, hence are not open to scientific analysis, it aims to eradicate or reduce behaviours that are deemed problematic while positive behaviours are encouraged, an agreement between the service user and the practitioner through the process of positively reinforcing and rewarding consequences that a service user consider valuable. Payne (1997) in his token economies (Payne, 1997. p.133) argues that this helps reinforce and strengthen the desirable behaviour. This theory sees the behaviourist assuming that most behaviour is learned as a result of our interactions with our environment, including emotional development, perceptions of the external world, social behaviour and personality. Milner and OByrne (1998 p112) describes Classical conditioning occurring when there is an association of conditioned and unconditioned stimulus such that the former stir up a response previously evoked only by the later. This was similar to Pavlovs (1911) conclusion in his famous Dog-Salivation-Experiment. If applied in this case study it would first try to identify the original stimulus, in this case, the loss of a loved one Susan, the response, Eustaces confusion and Marys anxiety and depression. Those associated with unpleasant or stressful feelings may become conditioned stimuli for feelings of anger and anxiety later on. (Birch A, 1997, p139). Another theory of behaviour Operant conditioning claims that learning occurs when voluntary behaviour arises from an individual and becomes more or less likely to be repeated depending on its results as demonstrated by Skinner (1953) in his Skinner-Box-Experiments with a cat and a pigeon. In the Johnson family scenario, Mary is a service user with depression and anxiety which Milner and OByrne argues ABC Approach (Milner and O Byrne, 1998. p.114) is necessary in identifying and analysing the behaviour that needs modification in agreement with the service user. Mary has gone to see the doctor on her own accord and therefore there is an agreement. This would involve establishing the Antecedent (caring for her father and the family), and the consequences (depression and anxiety). The consequences will either strengthen or weaken behaviour by reinforcement or punishment (Payne, 1997. p. 114). In Marys case it is the depression and anxiety that is undesirable. The distinctive characterist ic of operant conditioning relative to previous forms of behaviorism is that the organism ( Mary) can emit responses instead of only eliciting response due to an external stimulus (the practitioner). It is likely that Mary would respond positively if the right responses have been reinforced. Behaviourism models are advantageous due to their easy adaptability and practicability by inexperienced practitioners without extensive training than would be expected of a psychodynamic approach (Adams, R, Dominelli, L and Payne, M, 2002. p. 144) in facilitating an effective outcome. Payne (1997) also argues that the prescribed explicit, structured guidanceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and assessment instruments employed (Payne, 1997. p. 134) gives unskilled practitioners the confidence to apply behavioural theory and procedures in interventions. My perception is that as behavioural intervention focuses on negative behaviour that needs modification, it is empowering the service user to choose and self determine the behaviours that need modification in partnership and therefore the practitioner is recognising and respecting individuality. The role of the practitioner is to facilitate and support the service user. Thus, labelling and making judgement on the service user is avoided and is then direct ed to the behaviour. Behavioural approaches have been criticised by some practitioners as being excessively mechanistic (Banks, 2001. p.73) and non-human (Payne, 1997. p.122) in some of its methods, conducts and terms used, as they do not take into account service user individuality and will to choose. It is true that Mary would be different from other service users who would have used the same theory. The behavioural approach overall intervention emphasis is on the need to change or modify the client behaviour rather than those around the client who may be the problem. In the case scenario it is probably Desmond who we need to convince that Mary and Eustace need his understanding and cooperation as well as dealing with the fact that the family were not offered support to grieve and move on with life after the death of a loved one. Milner and OByrne (1998) point out that social workers tend to do as they find easier to change an individual than challenge the status quo (Milner and OByrne, 1998. Attachment has been defined as an affectionate bond between two individuals that endures through space and time and serves to join them emotionally Kennell 1976. John Bowlby described attachment as a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings (Bowlby, 1969, p. 194). Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers had an impact lasting throughout their lives. Adult attachment theory helps Social Workers understand how people feel and act within close relationships, particularly in stressful situations.  Attachment is not different in adulthood and in childhood as they all will give and receive support. Attachment relationships can be secure or insecure.  Attachment is clearly influential in both professional and personal settings.   As a Social Worker knowing about the attachment theory can help to make the right steps in order to protect the child and the family. Mary Ainsworth expanded greatly on Bowlbys original work with behaviour experiment which she named Strange Situation. In the study children between 12 months and 18 months were left alone with a stranger with the mother returning a moment later. The study revealed three major styles of attachment: secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment and avoidant insecure attachment. A fourth one was later added on by researchers Main and Solomon called disorganised insecure-attachment. It is clear that Mary has a bond with her father and hence his condition is affecting her psychologically. The fact that Mary and Desmonds relationship seemed to be strained by having Eustace living with them shows that they are experiencing lack of intimacy support for one another. The scenario mentions the death of Susan in the family and appears that Eustace, Mary and the Kids have been affected. Loss through death is a normal part of life experienced by everyone. The grief process varies in length and this also depends on the strength of the attachment. This period is usually very painful as the affected seek to adjust or cope without their loved one. Collin, Murray-parkes (1972) describes bereavement as an illness, thus in turn prompted Mary to see her doctor for help. The Johnson family appears not to have gone through the grieving process. Eustace is showing a lack of interest in normal life by wondering and could be his way of searching for his wife. The grieving process involves psychological suffering ( Birch, A ,1997 p251) Grief is defined as the process of psychological, social and somatic reactions to the perceptions of loss (Rando, 1984). This explains that the individual is affected mentally, physically as well as socially. Bereavement is defined as the state of having suffered a loss (Rando, 1984). According to Balwby excessive separation anxiety is usually the result of adverse family experiences, such as repeated threats of abandonment or rejections by parents, or to parents or siblings illnesses or death for which the child feels responsible. The truanting of the children could be a result of the feeling that they felt abandoned after the death of Susan who at one stage raised them for three years when their parents moved to the UK and could have bonded with the children. They have been living in the same house and this could have kept them close. A key principle of an attachment based practice is the acknowledgment that young children develop a range of adaptive strategies that are designed to help them cope with, survive and function in whatever situations they happen to find themselves, The children could be truanting as way of coping with the loss. As Eustace is wondering and possibly searching for his wife, it could be that he is thinking of joining her wife where ever she is. This brings Erikssons stages of development Integrity v Despair. Integrity is contentment with what you have achieved and Despair is the feeling that you have achieved nothing. As Eustace could be nearing the end of his life he will probably look back with integrity. He had his child who also got married and had her own family. He has lived for more than sixty years and although it does not look like he lived a porch life he was not homeless and up to this day still has a loving daughter taking care of him. Eustace will probably be looking forward to dying with contentment. Applying sociological and psychological theories as well as social work values has been a challenge for me considering my ethnic background of African origin as much as the Johnson family who travelled to settle in the UK, a country with different norms, cultures and values. I feel I empathise more with the Johnson family, in relation to the impact of new norms, culture and a new way of living. Studying social work has challenged some of my beliefs and prejudices and hence the toleration of others, provide recognition and ability to challenge discrimination. Adherence of work values have provided me with further understanding of being respectful of other peoples, views, religion, culture and preferences which is of paramount significance to become a social work practitioner. (GSCC 2002).  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The New Age Movement Essay -- essays research papers

The New Age Movement Although the New Age movement is not technically a religion , eight to nine percent of people that do not believe in organized religion find the New Age as their replacement. The New Age movement is very difficult to describe although not impossible. It is a complex sociological phenomenon that can be perceived in many ways. Basically, what another person sees, the other may not. The New Age movement is best understood as a network of networks. A network is an informal, loosely knit organization which is very different in both structure and operation than other types of organizations. Networks are spontaneously created by people to address problems and offer possibilities primarily outside of established institutions. Networks tend to be decentralized, often having no single leader of headquarters and with power and responsibility widely distributed. Networks also see through many perspectives. The New Age movement is an extremely large and structured network of organization and individuals that are bound together by common values. These values are based on mysticism and monism which is the world view that "all is one". The New Age movement is not a cult by any accepted sociological definition. Although there are several cults which could be classified within, such as the Transcendental Meditation and the followers of deported Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Cult membership is by far the exception and not the rule for New Agers. New Agers tend to be eclectic which means that they draw what they think is the best from various sources. Exclusive devotion to a single teacher, teaching or techniques is not long term. They move from one approach to "wholeness" to another in their spiritual quest.(Miller. 1989. P.18) New Agers consider spirituality much more a matter of experience than belief. Some New Agers do not believe that their beliefs are universal. Beliefs are often portrayed as direct impediments to enlightenment. As I stated before, all New Agers believe that "all is one". A second assumption is that this Ultimate reality is neither dead matter nor unconscious energy. In other words, it is Being and Awareness. New Agers believe that man is separated by God only in his own conscious and awareness. Therefore he is the victim of a false sens... ... In comparison to the Christian religion their difference lies in the belief that all is one (god), therefore there could be no sin and no death. The death of Christ for our sins becomes meaningless. Although the New Agers will agree that Jesus Christ is God, his world view will always compel him to say that Jesus is no more God than anyone else. In the Christian religion, Jesus is separated from the rest of humanity in fact that he is demonstrated as divine. In my opinion, I do not think that I could consider myself as equal with God or Jesus, therefore I personally did not believe in some aspects of this religion. (Lewis. 1992, p.48) In choosing this religion as my area of research, I never realized the complexity of the topic. Through extensive research I have developed a keen understanding of this topic. There are some things that I strongly agree with while others need to be put to the test. WORK CITED Chandler, R. 1988. Understanding The New Age. Word Publishing. Dallas Miller, E. 1989. A Crash Course On The New Age Movement. Baker Book House. Michigan. Lewis, J. 1992. Perspectives On The New Age. State University of New York Press. Albany.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Merrill Lynch-Bank of America Merger

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on the moral, philosophical characteristics from formal, systematic and ethical principles. Moral judgments are calculated from ethical principles which need to be applied as a standard for everyday choices in life and business. This is directly related to the decisions human beings make. Cavico (2009) states utilitarianism is more than just moral philosophy. It is a way of reformation and used extensively in government decision making. This will be discussed further in the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch merger.Utilitarianism is considered a scientific system of ethics and not just a philosophical theory of ethics. Utilitarian ethics follows the belief of maximizing the greatest good for the largest number of people. As utilitarianism is identified, one needs to learn that the greatest good could be based on aggregate principle or a distributive principle. The Bank of America-Merrill Lynch merger will be assessed in regards to who, what an d how the greater good will be affected in this merger. Within utilitarianism, a moral philosophy is developed that focuses on the consequences of specific actions.An action is done, then observed and then analyzed. After identifying all the people that were involved, one needs to ask the question, â€Å"Do the sum of good consequences outweigh the sum of the bad consequences? † Quantify all the good and bad consequences in the scenario and if the good consequences are greater than the bad consequences then the action was moral and vice versa. In this paper, the actions of the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch merger will be discussed, evaluated and quantified with the Richard DeGeorge Utilitarian perspective.Pinpointing the stakeholders in this case will show who was direct and indirectly affected and how they were affected. Furthermore, it will be discussed the overall affect it had on society from a global perspective, reaction from competitive markets and the economic impact it created within the United States and worldwide. Critical points and actions will dominate the course of action on how utilitarian ethics was applied in this situation. Identifying the individual people or groups that were in this scenario will be evaluated on a pleasure v. ain scale where it will show the extent of good or bad in the situation and the possible outcomes that followed. The pleasure v. pain comparison will then be quantified on a grading scale that represents extreme pleasures and pains in Bank of America-Merrill Lynch merger. After totaling up the good and the bad points, it will determine if the actions in this merger were moral. In late 2008, Bank of America and Merrill Lynch were in negotiations for a business deal. Bank of America was going to buy Merrill Lynch for one of the largest bank mergers and acquisitions in the world.On the surface, Bank of America thought the merger was a good idea and a good business deal to pursue. Former Chief Executive of Bank of America, Kenneth Lewis, and the board of Bank of America saw this business deal as a way to expand into different sectors of the financial markets and strengthen many of its counterparts. With all the extensive financial records of both companies and balance sheet assessments, the deal looked great for smooth sailing. Catastrophically, the deal went through and contributed towards a massive failure in our financial markets that affected and crippled everyone worldwide.The private deal that once seemed so good has now become a nightmare. All of a sudden, the government has stepped in and has announced it will give twenty billion dollars in assistance from tax payer’s money. Investors and the public were shocked something of this magnitude was happening and felt betrayed, cheated and crippled. Within all the mayhem, the actions that will be evaluated come from Merrill Lynch and Bank of America and their failures to disclose pertinent financial information that would have shown greater losses than expected.United States (2009) stated the lack of transparency to investors and to the public showed that there was a negative atmosphere among them that they feared to disclose from the public. In addition to this, rumors circulated that the government had ties to this merger and flexed its power in order to make the merger happen. There were a great amount of people affected in this merger. Merrill Lynch as a company was being bought out in order to be saved financially. Merrill Lynch’s investors, shareholders and CEO, John Thain were a part of this corporation.Bank of America was the number one candidate for purchasing Merrill Lynch at the time. Bank of America’s investors, shareholders and CEO, Kenneth Lewis were all a part of this major merger. United States (2009) includes the Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson and Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke were on the governmental side of this merger that apparently knew what was going on and forcefully made Bank of America buyout Merrill Lynch. This merger can also contribute to affecting the general public, global economies cross the world and the financial banking industry. As this case develops, there is uncertainty that Merrill Lynch and former CEO, John Thain, have to reveal massive amounts of losses and at one point a fourth quarter loss of fifteen billion dollars. In response, former CEO of Bank of America, Kenneth Lewis analyzes this and decides it may not be a good idea to pursue the merger. Secretively, the Fed, Paulson and Bernanke force Lewis to buy into the deal because if he doesn’t this could create a complete and total meltdown of the financial systems.Utilitarian ethics was used by considering the global economy; the government had to step in to minimize the blow as best as they could to help the greater good of society. In addition to this, there has been speculation that if Lewis hides these huge losses before the merger and reveals the m after the merger he could gain more government help in regards to the massive hit Bank of America now faces. Although the economy is in a meltdown and financial banks are getting hit harder than ever before, this merger may prove to save some of our largest financial institutions and lessen the blow of a complete loss for the global economy.On one spectrum of the scale we have the financial banks abusing high leverage investments in order to gain more money without caring about negative consequences but then on the other hand, the nation is faced with minimizing damages and saving as much as it can because in a result of total loss, the public could be in a greater state economic loss. With Merrill Lynch being saved and Bank of America taking on the bigger role of keeping afloat, Merrill Lynch now has the opportunity to be bought out and saved compared to total collapse and bankruptcy.In this case, it was a smart move for Merrill Lynch to be acquired by Bank of America and a fores eeable good in the future of the financial markets. Kenneth Lewis took the daunting task of acquiring Merrill Lynch and the bad debt expense that the company brought with it. Acquiring Merrill Lynch would provide a huge blow to Bank of America at first but restructuring and getting government help in the merger would prove to be a successful task that would provide foreseeable good in the future. Some people believe that Paulson and Bernanke used their governmental power to make this merger happen.Bank of America’s Acquisition (2009) states they forced Kenneth Lewis to buyout Merrill Lynch and if not Kenneth Lewis and the board of Bank of America would have been terminated. Although this may have been a threatening action, it was in the government’s best interest to make this merger go through or a total collapse of the financial markets would be devastating for the American population and further seep into global chaos. It is a very tough situation to assess but follo wing Utilitarianism considered the greater good of the population and this needed to be done.In addition to this, individual investors were hit very hard with the downturn of the economy. In many cases, people lost more than fifty percent of their investments which sounds terrible but comparing it to a nongovernmental bailout, those individuals would be left with nothing. In this research study, it is needed to define the severity of good and bad consequences for each individual or group that was affected in this case on a numerical grading scale. Each individual or group will be considered according to the Richard DeGeorge Utilitarian approach.The scale will be ranked from +5 being the best and -5 being the worst situation from a pleasure versus pain standpoint. Merrill Lynch being bought out by Bank of America is more of a good thing. Ranking it at +2 gives Merrill Lynch and Bank of America merger the positive side because without this merger people would be in greater amounts of trouble. Ranking a +1 for investors and shareholders of each company provides a positive side of this outcome. Although investors did lose over fifty percent of investments into the companies, this loss is better than losing everything that was invested.Other financial markets were consolidated and restructured. By getting rid of bad assets, other financial institutions could start over and reinvest in the proper markets. This was also a learning lesson for the financial industry and for them to never repeat these careless mistakes again. A rank of +3 will be given to the financial markets. Hank Paul and Ben Bernanke did prove to show excessive force in making this merger happen but only in regards to saving the U. S. economy and limiting the blow that it could’ve potentially produced.Giving the government a ranking of +2 shows they provided a better option for America and the possibility of avoiding a complete financial meltdown. Assessing our global economy by looking back at it over the past five years gives it a ranking of 0. This explains that as a country and globally, we have made minimal increases in our economy. One month says we are getting back on the right track while the next month says we are sinking deeper and deeper into recession. The economy shows a recovery in the stock arket one month but the next month there is speculation that the European markets are going to crash and take everyone with them. Living in these highly volatile times gives uncertainly and fear for most investors which hinders potential growth and recovery. After summing up all the pleasure and pain rankings, the total equals +8. This shows that amidst all the chaos, deceiving and cheating, the outcome created a positive effect that saved our economy as best as possible rather than let it sink and destroy everything.This tragic merger proves to be a morally correct standpoint regardless of the tough actions that were taken in order to achieve this outcome. No individu al cheated the system or manipulated the system in order to gain financial strength. It was in the best interest of the individual companies and the U. S. economy to keep them in tact or greater consequences could’ve occurred. Saving two of our largest banks provides us with a loss in investments but something that would be accepted rather than total and complete collapse of our financial systems.Primary Source: United States. (2009). Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How did a private deal turn into a federal bailout? : joint hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Subcommittee on Domestic Policy, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session. Washington: U. S. G. P. O. Secondary Source: Bank of America’s Acquisition of Merrill Lynch: A â€Å"Shotgun Merger†?. (2009, June 16). My Bank Tracker. Retrieved August 4, 2012, from www. mybanktracker. com/news/2009/06/16/bank-of-americas-acquisition-of-merrill-l ynch-a-shotgun-merger/

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Globe Theater essays

The Globe Theater essays The Globe Theater changed the course of English Theater forever. The Globe broke rules of ownership, class standards, and promoted the greatest playwright ever, William Shakespeare. Throughout its history the Globe Theater has produced the best of Shakespeare and his amazing plays and when it was closed London never felt the same. But once again Shakespeare is upon us. The newly re-built Globe gives us one more chance to re-live Shakespeares plays. Through examining the history and collapse of the Globe Theater one can see how it has come to its recent re-birth, and that it is here to stay. The Globe Theater was opened in London in 1599. James Burbage, half owner of the theater, built the Globe. The other half of the theater belonged to five men of Lord Chamberlains Acting Company. William Shakespeare was the most famous member and owner in the Company. During this time period, it was unusual for the players to actually be owners of the theater at which they performed (Miller-Schutz 1). The Globe was a central feature of London life. It was the place of the first performances of Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. The Globe Theater was a gathering place for all social classes. Normally it would be uncommon for the Queen or any other royalty to be in the presence of so many commoners, but at the Globe it was different. There were no social standards on admission, only on where you were able to sit. The structure of the Globe was made out of timber and built in a round shape. The three-story theater had twenty wooden bays, oak pillars, a thatched roof, and a permanent stage. The Globe had an approximate diameter of a hundred feet, which allowed it to hold about three thousand spectators (Gurr 104). In 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII the Globe accidentally burned down, luckily none of the thousands of audience members were hurt. John Orrell describes that day best in his book, Rebui...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

American Business Managers In Cross-Cultural Negotiations

American Business Managers In Cross-Cultural Negotiations One of the fastest ways for an American to sour negotiations with other cultures is to think that everybody does business the same as Americans. Thank goodness that this is so very far from the truth. For Americans to succeed in the foreign business world, we must learn to be more observant of the feelings and cultures of others. In no place is this more evident than in our own back doorMexico and the Latin/South American countries.Just because they are "local", we should be able to treat them the same as we do our own contacts. This is so very far from the truth.The Spanish culture of Mexico and the Latin/South American countries are similar in so may ways to their Spanish ancestors, but are still quite set in their own Cultural manners. Even in the smallest of towns, there is a tight social ladder that must be adhered to if negotiations are to be successful.United StatesEach person has their own place in the society, and they must be counted as such.A key are that the American Cult ure must re-learn is that of being polite and proper. The Spanish-American culture is very socially oriented, and the "air" that is left is very important. Common courtesy and protocol are sensitive issues. A quick way to sour most relationships is to demean the dominant male figure.More than anyone else I have observed, American Businessmen and Women like to dress-up and show how "proper" they are. This immediately causes a problem in that conservative dress is the norm. On arrival for meetings, or other activities, observe what the local attire is.It is a bad omen to dress more formally than those you are meeting are.Observe the bankers, lawyers, and the professionals/bureaucrats.Americans are...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Developement of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Developement of China - Essay Example First it is the increase in the population of China and its economic expansion and second its gradual transformation from being an agri-based country to an industrialize country. Thirdly, its economy has been more of urban nature now than rural due to the building up of new cities. These three factors are considered to be the main factors behind the development of China and its economic rise on the world stage which is now providing it a much needed political as well as economic superiority in the world. China is the most populous country in the world with more than 1 billion population (Rosenberg). This percentage give China roughly 20% share in the world population and in other words a 20% market share in the whole economy which has largely remained untapped by most of the businesses due to the closed economy of China in its past. In 1600, the overall population of China was 200 million while its population during 1950 was 500 million however what is astonishing is the fact that this population has doubled in 1996 and reached to the point of 1.2 billion. (Bennet). China since 1978 has pursued many new measures and policies in order to restrict its population growth and it was because of this reason that the population growth since 1996 has been stagnant and is increasing at the decreasing rates due to the strict population control policies of the country. "By the late 2010s, China's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion. Around 2030, China's population is anticipated to peak and then slowly start dropping." (Rosenberg) Many also believe that this rise in the population could have created serious food and housing problems for a communist country however same has not bee the case mainly due to sustained economic growth of China over the period of time allowing it to keep the issues like food supply and housing well under control through the effective re-distribution of wealth evenly into different strata of the economy. Economic Growth The economic rise of China is being considered as the most important trend in the world as it has been continuously beating the recommendations of many analysts who predicted the cooling down of the Chinese economy due to high oil prices as well as other commodities. What is most important with the Chinese economy is the fact that it enjoys a low cost environment. Due to its huge population base, the labor is cheap thus giving it a much needed flexibility in production and manufacturing of goods and services. It also must be noted that the real era which ensured the economic growth of China started in late 1970s as it is from where China has actually started to open up itself to world markets and a slower and gradual transformation towards the market economies occurred. During 1950 to 1978, Chinese economy witnessed an average growth rate of 7% per annum whereas since 1978 it has been able to make a growth of more than 10% per year and it is continuous in nature. Interestingly the economic rise of China has been mainly due to the industrial development of its manufacturing based which has resulted into its

Friday, November 1, 2019

Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Animal Rights - Essay Example While, because of its many practical and historical considerations, it is difficult to take â€Å"sides† in this argument. As a matter of ethical stance the argument of Regan and Singer presents a clearer more definitive philosophical/ethical case, while Baxter’s hyper-utilitarian defense rings arrogant, unethical, and morally bankrupt. Both Baxter, and Regan and Singer rely heavily on the Utilitarian theory to support and dispute respectively the notion of ethics as applied to animal rights. As a theory of Mill and Bentham, Utilitarianism says the morality of an action is determined by its utility in providing happiness or pleasure to sentient beings. An action, as it were, is judged by its outcome. Baxter states this case word for word through criteria developed from this theory to support his view that when it comes to that which benefits the majority of people, â€Å"Damage to penguins, or sugar pines, or geo ­logical marvels is... simply irrelevant† (Baxter 523). He neglects to discuss animals as feeling creatures. Anyone familiar with animals could never dispute this. It can hardly be leave out of any conversation, pro or con, when it comes to animal rights. The basis of many of Baxter’s justifications is often expressed in dollars and cents, in the highly and often unethical human spheres of money, profit and even politics. â€Å"Penquins don’t vote† (Baxter 524), a sarcastic statement relating to the Utilitarian notion that decisions are made in the collective [by humans], and that animals, as not a part of that collective, have no say and deserve little consideration other than which man chooses to give them. Baxter stoops to the argument that while some say they want to protect animals from harm in all circumstances they still allow them to be slaughtered for food. It is an old argument. Regan and Singer can not be accused of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PolicyMaking in the EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

PolicyMaking in the EU - Essay Example Were it admitted to the EU, Turkey would be the most populated country and the first to be predominantly Muslim. Though its accession would have little effect on the European Commission, it would dramatically affect the European Council. Despite these many positives, some negatives make many weary about Turkey's inclusion. Agriculture is a major concern of EU policy. As Turkey's inclusion would affect voting power, Turkish concerns could change the common agriculture policy. Also, the European Union allows free movements of citizens among member nations. "A free flow of [Turkish] immigrants could destabilize labor markets around Europe. Though many of the members today feel that the presence of the Turkey would definitely create an impact on the growth of the European Economy, an equal number of the members feel that Turkey cannot be included into the EU as it is not geographically apt to be called 'European'. Its accession talks have since been delayed by a number of domestic and external problems. Several European countries such as Austria have shown their reluctance to allow Turkey into Europe. The issue of Cyprus continues to be a major obstacle to negotiations. European officials have commented on the slowdown in Turkish reforms which, combined with the Cyprus problem, has led the EU's enlargement commissioner to warn of a crash in the negotations with Turkey. Despite these setbacks, Turkey had closed its first phase in negotiations in June 2006. Based on what it views as lukewarm support for its accession to the EU and alleged double standards in its negotiations. France and Austria have indicated they will hold referundums on Turkey's membership), the Turkish public has become increasingly euroskeptic in recent times. Arguments favoring Turkey's membership in the European Union Economy An important in the favor of Turkey's inclusion is the rapid economical growth it has been achieving in the last 4 years. Although the current GNP per capita is still lower than all of the other new EU-countries, the current economic growth rate suggests that in a few years, Turkey will have overtaken Poland and Romania. In addition, Turkey has a young population. That, combined with the size of the country, and its growth rates, constitutes a major dynamism and a good opportunity for the EU. (Barry.M.Rubin, 2003) Relationship with the NATO Atlancist countries outside Turkey have always felt the inclusion of Turkey into the European Union would help counteract France's completely oblivious stand against the US. In countries like France, Netherlands and Germany, this is viewed as a point working against the country. Turkey is a strong regional military power which could give the EU more military capabilities. The Turkish Armed Forces are the second largest standing armed force in NATO after the United States Armed Forces, and they are the strongest in the Muslim world. Many countries in the west believe that the inclusion of the country in the EU would cement its alignment with the west. Many people in Turkey also believe that the Turkish inclusion could actually result in less military influence in the country and more stable Government. It could also improve in sustaining the economy. The Energy resources Turkey has now become the Energy hub of the continent. Direct piping between Russia and Iran carries natural gas to Turkey, which is planned to be distributed to the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Type of play Essay Example for Free

Type of play Essay The importance of play is reflected by the role it plays in development. Children are encouraged to play with gender appropriate toys but I have to ask myself why parents would rather have their son play with a gun rather than a doll.  Some studies have linked gunplay with aggressive behaviour and it is interesting to see (the table below) that boys are more aggressive than girls at a young age  Some child health professionals encourage parents to limit this type of play. Concern about guns also include potential confusion with real ones, which could lead to someone getting seriously injured. The media is also seen to be a major influence on behaviour. The way television affects a child depends on the childs age and what stage of cognitive development they are at. As a child watches television they absorb the program and then they interpret it to how they saw it. Some cartoons that are violent such as itchy scratchy, which is shown on The Simpsons shows a cat and mouse attack each other and put each others body parts in food blenders etc. Its a bit disturbing to some people but children find it hilarious. I think this is because it is unlikely in real life and depending on the age of the child, they will know that this sort of behaviour is not rewarded. Boys need to be parented in a different way from girls. Home, society and education have failed boys badly- these failures lead to unhappy men who cannot fully become happy, responsible emotionally confident adults.  There is a lot of research comparing the abilities and behaviours of males and females. As we consider the behaviour of boys and girls we have to consider how they differ in their behaviour. Albert Bandura believed aggression reinforced by family members was the most prominent source of behaviour modelling. He reports that children use the same aggressive tactics that their parents illustrate when dealing with others. Children learn to act aggressive when they model their behaviour after witnessing violent acts of adults, especially family members. Bandura is most famous for his Bobo doll experiment, in this experiment; he had children witness a model aggressively attacking a plastic clown called the Bobo doll. Bandura found that the children imitated the aggressive behaviour. There are many sex differences between boys and girls and one of the most comprehensive studies was conducted by, Maccoby and Jacklin (1974). They discover there were only four significant differences between the sexes. Although the differences were small they showed there is an overlap in the behaviour of boys and girls.  Although the study by Maccoby and Jacklin was in depth Shaffer (1993) pointed out, First, girls show more emotional sensitivity. Second, girls are less venerable developmentally than boys, and are less likely to suffer from learning disabilities, various language disorder, or hyperactivity. Third, boys tend to be more physically active than girls. Fourth, girls tend to be more timid than boys (PSYCHOLOGY FOR A2 LEVEL, M.W. ESYWICK, page 698)  In conclusion I would like to say, that I believe that behaviour is learned from society through the process of reinforcement and modelling. Behaviours such as, Sex-role behaviour can be learned by vicarious reinforcement. When you think about it makes sense for a person to keep doing things they are rewarded for and to stop doing things we are not. I found these quotes below and I agree with both of them on this subject.  In the theory of gender I began from zero. There is no masculine power or privilege I did not covet. But slowly, step-by-step, decade-by-decade, I was forced to acknowledge that even a woman of abnormal would cannot escape her hormonal identity.  (Paglia, Camille, 1947 American Author Critic Educator)  (Taken from:  Except for their genitals, I dont know what immutable differences exist between men and women. Perhaps there are some other unchangeable differences; probably there are a number of irrelevant differences. But it is clear that until social expectations for men and women are equal, until we provide equal respect for both sexes, answers to this question will simply reflect our prejudices.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analyzing Ibsens Character, Hedda Gabler Essay -- Character Analysis,

Henrik Ibsen's character, Hedda Gabler, is a woman who is torn between her desires and the expectations required of someone of her social standing. At the onset of the play, Hedda has been married for six months, but she still clings to her maiden name, as evident in the title of the play, â€Å"Hedda Gabler.† Her reluctance at accepting her new name is symbolic of her dissatisfaction of being married; she misses the freedom of being single, while at the same time longs to be married to an aristocrat, to someone who is more important in society than her husband is. Hedda was raised under the rule of her military father, General Gabler, and was probably subjected to strict rules and discipline. Growing up she learned nothing of the domestic skills and expectations required of the women of her social standing; she also learned nothing about motherhood, which left her feeling terrified and lost once she learned she was pregnant. Instead, she learned how to shoot pistols and ride horses. Her high social standing never left her in want of any possessions; Hedda was â€Å"used to having things in the General's time† (168). She was constantly engaged in social situations with suitors who, though she was beautiful, did not want to marry her. Her lack of prospects within the aristocratic class led her to accept a marriage proposal from Jà ¶rgen Tesman, a scholar of lower social standing. Her husband's potential failure at being able to obtain a respectable position at a university leaves Hedda fearing her security and the possibility of not being able to afford new and expensive possessions. Upon her first appearance on stage, one can garner some very important clues as to Hedda's personality. She is â€Å"aristocratic and elegant† (175) and ... ...p† (203) between herself, her husband, and Brack. The inevitability of an impending affair, coupled with her unwanted pregnancy and loveless marriage, convinced Hedda that she was losing all control of her life. Suicide was Hedda's final attempt at regaining her control. She destroyed her and Tesman's child, just as she had done with Mrs. Elvsted and Là ¶vborg's â€Å"child;† if she did not love the unborn child, no one else was going to be able to. But foremost, she wanted to be able to escape male dominion, most notably that of Brack's. She did not relish the idea of having to cater to his needs and abhorred the idea of having an affair because, if someone found out, it would cause a scandal. In Hedda's eyes, the only way out of this dire situation was to commit suicide. But her death was not going to be hideous like Là ¶vborg's was; hers was going to be beautiful.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Proud to ba an american :: essays research papers

Proud to be an American I am proud to be an American because I was born here. Four generations back, my ancestors came here from Europe. We have the right to be any religion we choose. Voting is a right of all people. We also have the most liberties and rights of any nation on earth. First of all, our nation is the richest country. We have clothes like T-shirts, jeans, socks and all sorts of other stuff. Afghanistan has sheets that they wrap around themselves. We have all sorts of food. We can go and get food at restaurants and groceries stores. Our nation is highly industrialized. We have the most jobs. Some big industries are Steel Case, General Motors and the Ford Motor Company. There are many, many jobs for people to work. Secondly, why I am proud to be an American is because of our technology. We have computers. They help us in our everyday life. Let's not forget our vehicles. We have cars, trucks, four wheelers, dirt bikes, boats, planes, jets and helicopters. Without these vehicles, we would have a hard time getting around from place to place. NASA sent up a rocket that enabled men to land and walk on the surface of the moon. We were the first nation to accomplish such a mighty task. Thirdly, and one of the most important reasons why I am proud to be an American is because of our veterans. They fought for our country. They saved our lives and defended our freedom. They risked their own lives by fighting to save ours. "Jon, why are you proud to be an American?" "I got out of high school and was asked to join the army. Fortunately I did. And when World War II ended, I had a good feeling because I knew I had accomplished something for our country and people. I was proud to have served my country." Our founding fathers believed so strongly in the liberties and freedoms that we enjoy today, that they were willing to give their lives for the cause.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

List of the Current Legislation and Codes of Practice Relating to Equality

Legislation Purpose Disability Discrimination Act 1995Protects the rights of all those with disabilities. It also places a duty on schools (and other organisations) to eliminate barriers to ensure that individuals can gain equal access to services Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination Race Relations(Amendment)Act 2000Outlines the duty of organisations to promote good relationships between people from different races Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational need or a disability Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities (including schools) to provide services according to the needs of children and to ensure their safety and welfare Human Rights Act 1998Sets out rights of all individuals and allows them to take action against authorities when their rights have been affected Children Act 2004Sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children and underpins the ive Every Child Matters outcomes Education Act 1996Sets out the school’s responsibilities towards children with special educational needs.The Act also requires schools to provide additional resources, equipment and / or additional support to meet their needs Equality Act 2010Sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies, including schools, to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This brings together nine equality laws

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Post War Era essays

Post War Era essays The post war era following the Second World War in American history was a time of great growth and development of American ideas, society and culture. Suburban life has been created and flourishing. American developers returning home from the war held the mentality that we conquered the threat of tyranny now lets conquer our backyards. They set out with their idealism and moved away from the cities. They tore down the tree and put planned communities and commerce and named the streets after the trees. It is hidden somewhere in the background of a Norman Rockwell painting and it is kept alive in old television shows, that which the call Americana. As well as Main St. USA is everywhere. With Roosevelts second bill of rights the economy is booming after the war and the nations proud is just as high. The GI bill passes in congress and education is notion that is available for all. This high feeling of euphoria trickles through society. With the growth in the economy and wages the standard of living increased. People set out to form communities away from the city, to be happy to be safe to pursue the American Dream. Society and social structures became transformed and reconstructed. We looked at our government as to having direct interaction and to provide for well beings. People had a rebirth, a new sense of self and pride and thought that they were deserving of rights and privileges. Soldiers returning home from war wanted a family. Wanting things to be better not just for them but for their children. This concept of provider strengthened the male role. He went to work provided a home and wages. The suburb represented this. It was an escape from the hustle and bustle where every child would have baseball diamond to play on and each wife a home with the white picket fence. These were the happier parts of suburban life. It took away the hustle and bustle of city life. It gave a place to retir...