Sunday, December 29, 2019

Calvinist vs Anti-Calvinist in Dr.Faustus - 829 Words

The Calvinist/anti-Calvinist controversy The theological implications of Doctor Faustus have been the subject of considerable debate throughout the last century. Among the most complicated points of contention is whether the play supports or challenges the Calvinist doctrine of absolute predestination, which dominated the lectures and writings of many English scholars in the latter half of the sixteenth century. According to Calvin, predestination meant that God, acting of his own free will, elects some people to be saved and others to be damned – thus, the individual has no control over his own ultimate fate. This doctrine was the source of great controversy because it was seen by the so-called anti-Calvinists to limit mans free will†¦show more content†¦One of the greatest critics of Calvinism in Marlowes day was Peter Baro, who argued that such teachings fostered despair among believers, rather than repentance among sinners. He claimed, in fact, that Calvinism created a theodical dilemma: What shall we say then? That this question so long debated of the Philosophers, most wise men, and yet undetermined, cannot even of Divines, and men endued with heavenly wisdom, be discussed and decided? And that God hath in this case laid a crosse upon learned men, wherein they might perpetually torment themselves? I cannot so think.[27] Baro recognised the threat of despair which faced the Protestant church if it did not come to an agreement of how to understand the fundamentals. For him, the Calvinists were overcomplicating the issues of faith and repentance, and thereby causing great and unnecessary confusion among struggling believers. Faustus himself confesses a similar sentiment regarding predestination: The reward of sin is death. Thats hard. ...If we say that we have no sin, We deceive ourselves, and theres no truth in us. Why then belike we must sin, And so consequently die. Ay, we must die an everlasting death. What doctrine call you this? Che sera, sera, What will be, shall be? Divinity,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mindfulness As A Treatment For Depression - 1557 Words

Psychology is one of the youngest lines of science and there is still a lot to be learnt about it. Before the use of anti-depressants, one of the first treatments used by psychologists was psychoanalysis which was founded by Sigmund Freud in 1852. Then later treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy formally known as electro shock therapy were used. Currently the most common treatment for depression is medication such as antidepressants as they are proven to be extremely effective in treating the symptoms of this mental illness. However even though there are so many treatments for mental illnesses such as depression the biggest issue we face with depression is its habit of being a reoccurring problem. The purpose of this essay is to discuss mindfulness as a treatment for depression. In the essay not only its effectiveness towards the treatment and prevention of depression but also how it treats and prevents depression is discussed. This was until psychologists found a more effecti ve way to not only treat but prevent the symptoms of depression using mindfulness as a therapy. Although, mindfulness is not a very well-known treatment it has been found to be very effective of turning the lives around of sufferers of mental illness. Mindfulness, a seemingly effective and relatively new approach to assist in treatment or prevention of some mental health disorders; one being depression. Depression affects 121 million people worldwide and is the cause of over 850,000 deaths eachShow MoreRelatedThe Effectiveness Of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy1350 Words   |  6 Pageseffectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in the treatment of depression. The purpose of this essay is to address the question, how mindfulness works to improve mental health when used as part of psychological treatment? Firstly, a brief overview is given about what depression is and what the symptoms are, based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). Secondly, It will discuss mindfulness, as it is defined in mental health treatments. The mainRead MoreMindfulness Based Practices1079 Words   |  5 Pageson combining mindfulness-based practices with clinical therapy to create more p ositive affects for clients. Mindfulness is often practiced in the form of meditation, but is determined by the development of one’s mental state to be able to create nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment. Awareness of the present moment can be induced by thoughts, emotions, physical perceptions, and one’s environment (Grow, Collins, Harrop, Marlatt, 2015). Research has begun to analyze mindfulness-based practicesRead MoreMeditation Replacement For Patients With Depression Essay1401 Words   |  6 Pagesmedication in terms of treating depression. A.Introduce main topic, thesis, terms, etc (Introductory Paragraph) i. Hook: The recognition of depression as a common mental illness should lead to studies regarding what form of treatment is best for a patient, but antidepressants seem to be the unimpressive go-to. ii. Terms discussed in paper: CBT: Cognitive-behavioural therapy; HEP: Health enhancement program; TAU: Treatment as usual; TRD: Treatment-resistant depression; Mediators: Measurable changesRead MoreMindfulness: Treatment for Mood Disorder in Teens1045 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This is an experimental study to test if teens with mood disorders have fewer symptoms when they practice P.E.A.C.E.? PEACE is an acronym for a mindfulness practice attending to the breath, body, thoughts, and emotions. P is for pause; E is for exhale; A is for acknowledged; C is for choice; E is for engage. Mindfulness has the potential to have a impact on teens with mood disorders by enhancing awareness, self-management, self-acceptance. Meditation is used in clinical practiceRead MorePostpartum Depression And Its Effect On Child Development1500 Words   |  6 Pages â€Æ' Specialization My area of specialization is maternal postpartum depression and its effect on child development. It s a well-documented fact that postpartum depression affects not only the patient but other family members including the children. Client Agency The clients in this intervention will be women who have recently given birth. The intervention would occur at a hospital or medical setting during the six week check-up. The clients that would participate in this intervention would beRead MoreBipolar Disorder and Meditation Essay1226 Words   |  5 PagesBipolar disorder is a mental disease that causes a rapid shift in mood, usually between mania and depression. The manic episode of bipolar disorder usually results in an abnormally large dosage of energy. 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Obesity is a worldwide condition that has mental, physical, and social effects on individuals that are diagnosed with the condition. In this paper the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and motivational interviewing on individuals with obesity will be explored and discussed. For many young and older adults treating obesity is not an easy task to accomplish on your own which leads to yo-yo diets and fad diets that are seen onRead MoreTypes Of Treatment For Anxiety Disorders873 Words   |  4 Pagesdistressing, and impairing conditions, associated with significant social costs (Palazzo, Altamura, Stein, Baldwin, 2014). There are many different types of treatment for anxiety disorders. Some are more effective than others. The studies within this paper will further tell us about anxiety disorder, different types of treatments, and treatment effectiveness. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Cause of Global Warming Free Essays

Causes of Global Warming There are many factors that contribute to causes of global warming nowadays. Through many years of investigation,scientist have discover that the prime factor are cause by the effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by humans. Mankind have distribute carbon dioxide in many ways:- 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause of Global Warming or any similar topic only for you Order Now Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants:- * Human addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 40% of U. S. CO2 emissions come from electricity production, and burning coal accounts for 93% of emissions from the electric utility industry. Every day, more electric gadgets flood the market, and without widespread alternative energy sources, we are highly dependent on burning coal for our personal and commercial electrical supply. 2. Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation:- * Human modern car culture and appetite for globally sourced goods is responsible for about 33% of emissions in the U. S. With our population growing at an alarming rate, the demand for more cars and consumer goods means that we are increasing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and manufacturing. Our consumption is outpacing our discoveries of ways to mitigate the effects, with no end in sight to our massive consumer culture. 3. Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds:- * Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, ranking right behind CO2. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions (anaerobic decomposition) as in rice paddies, methane is produced. The process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the levels of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing. Another source of methane is methane clathrate, a compound containing large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. As methane escapes from the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming will increase significantly. 4. Deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and farmland:- * The use of forests for fuel (both wood and for charcoal) is one cause of deforestation, but in the first world, our appetite for wood and paper products, our consumption of livestock grazed on former forest land, and the use of tropical forest lands for commodities like palm oil plantations contributes to the mass deforestation of our world. Forests remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and this deforestation releases large amounts of carbon, as well as reducing the amount of carbon capture on the planet. 5. Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands * In the last half of the 20th century, the use of chemical fertilizers (as opposed to the historical use of animal manure) has risen dramatically. The high rate of application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers has effects on the heat storage of cropland (nitrogen oxides have 300 times more heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume than carbon dioxide) and the run-off of excess fertilizers creates ‘dead-zones’ in our oceans. In addition to these effects, high nitrate levels in groundwater due to over-fertilization are cause for concern for human health. How to cite Cause of Global Warming, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Public and Young Generation Within Our Society

Question: Describe about the Idea Regarding The Benefits Cuts And Impact To The Public And Young Generation Within Our Society? Answer: Introduction According to the corrected fiscal planning by the government, there is going to be a 26% increase in the taxes, 10% reduction in social welfares and a reduction of 64% in spending cuts on public services. This is a huge decision since the elderlies as well as the younger generation are dependent on the public services. Hence, this decision is likely to serve as a massive blow to them and affect them badly. Therefore, this research is going to make a comprehensive analysis on the impacts of these benefit cuts on every segment of the society. Aim Exploring the implication of benefit cuts on public and young generation Objective: Reviewing the process and the concept of the topic Analyzing the impact of the inference on every section of the society, mostly on the people who are totally reliable on these services The introduction paves way for the research questions which would help in understanding the topic better. The methodology to be used has been discussed along with the work plan and the risks involved are demonstrated. Finally, a conclusion is made on the derivations. Approach An inductive approach is used due to the precision of the results provided by it. The approach will remain the same because of the above stated reason. The qualitative method helps to delve into the fervent reality and thus, gives a better understanding of the issue. A case study design has been employed again to understand the underlying prospects of the study. The case study of this particular case will help to unfold its complexity and significance which is in turn necessary to reveal the impacts of these benefit cuts on people. The primary research strategy is to focus on the younger and older generations and explore the impacts of these benefit cuts on them since they are the most dependent on the public services. Research studies, journals, official books, online sources (credible) etc. types of contemporary literature will make up the secondary data for the study. Work plan The remaining planned work is illustrated with the help of a Gantt chart that will help in identifying the progress rate with the time and they are as follows. Week Task Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Data Collection stage Data analysis stage Conclusion Recommendation for the study Writing of Executive summary Grammar check, printing sub mission The initial stages of the project were completed, which helps in executing the study as per the developed objectives and aims accordingly. Data collection process will be conducted with the help of journals and articles and ion this particular context, secondary data analysis will be conducted. After that, the overall conclusion and recommendation of the study will be depicted as per the obtained findings, which will help in future research study (Austin, 2013). Finally, the executive summary of the study will be developed after analyzing each section effectively and before final submission grammar check will be initiated to make the project a quality price in terms of quality and reliability. Risk assessment Risk assessment is effectively done in this study and proper ethical consideration was taken during the data collection process. The major risk of the study was insufficient data availability but the researcher overcame it by relying on the available abstract and findings (Cuts in specialist services and the impact of diabetes on the young, 2007). Therefore, it can be stated that, the appropriate initiatives for finding the most relevant data helps in reducing the risk of data collection. Beside this, to analyze the overall impact to each individual present within the society was a complex task and for this particular social segments was evaluated to define the evaluating the impact in a coherent way (Zhang et al., 2006). Main body of the draft report The regulatory authorities have launched several policy and schemes for overall community development. In this particular context, those implications of benefits cuts on public and young generation were critically evaluated with the help of standard literature and journals articles (Kmietowicz, 2012). The benefit cuts provide immense impact to a particular public segment and to analyze the impact to the entire community was critical tasks in it. For this, a particular social segment was selected and depending upon the social class the reliable data were collected and evaluated. The explorations of benefits cuts were critically evaluated and the concept and implications of the benefits cuts to the society will be further analyzed with the help of standard literature survey. The suitable literature will help in development of knowledge and concept regarding the study (Pissarides, 1998). Inductive approach is selected for the study and supports the observation and developed theory analy sis regarding the study. Therefore, this particular research approach will help in signifying the study in this particular domain of benefits cuts and impact to the public and young generation. Case study research design will help in understanding the practical impact and real concept of the benefits cuts and reliable understanding will be developed after analyzing different case study (Rajaraman, 2012). Intensive literature searching is the fundamental base of the study, which will help in gathering the required knowledge about the study. Most importantly, the real cases will be illustrated that will provide a clear and precise idea regarding the impact of benefit cuts and how it effect to the individuals within our society. Conclusions The study provides a clear and precise Idea Regarding The Benefits Cuts And Impact To The Public And Young Generation Within Our Society. It is evident from the study that, it was impossible for the researcher to conduct the study by taking the entire community member and, therefore, there has to be an alternative approach that will help indentifying the issues in way that is more efficient. For this, a particular segment of individuals is selected to conduct the research in an innovative way by maintaining the standard and quality (Torjesen, 2016). The developed hypothesis was the benefits cuts provide immense impact to the individuals and the literature survey signifies that the developed facts was real and any kinds of benefits cut results in dissatisfaction to the community members. Furthermore, it can be stated that benefit cut results in minimizing the opportunity provided by the government authority and or this various segments such as employment facility, salary wags, and gov ernmental subsidies of different daily life living activities are impacted significantly. References Austin, J. (2013). NIH Details Impact of Sequestration Cuts. Science. Cuts in specialist services and the impact of diabetes on the young. (2007). Practical Diabetes International, 24(5), pp.278-280. Kmietowicz, Z. (2012). Experts attack government plans to cuts benefits for addicts who refuse treatment. BMJ, 344(may24 1), pp.e3694-e3694. Pissarides, C. (1998). The impact of employment tax cuts on unemployment and wages; The role of unemployment benefits and tax structure. European Economic Review, 42(1), pp.155-183. Rajaraman, I. (2012). The Fiscal Impact of Trade Tariff Cuts: Long-Series Historical Evidence. Global Policy, 3(3), pp.375-383. Torjesen, I. (2016). Austerity cuts are eroding benefits of Sure Start childrens centres. BMJ, p.i335. Zhang, B., Cohen, J., Ferrence, R. and Rehm, J. (2006). The Impact of Tobacco Tax Cuts on Smoking Initiation Among Canadian Young Adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(6), pp.474-479.